We are a real solution for girls.
FLY Life Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to empower girls to be FLY inside out. We do this by providing curriculum, conferences, and mentorship for girls ages 8 to 18 in the areas of identity, character, and purpose.

We are here
for you.
"7 out of 10 girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with family and friends." We will change this.
FLY Life Chapters
and Meetings:
FLY Life Inc. has developed an intensive after-school program curriculum aimed at helping young women attending schools in low-income areas improve their chances for success through the development of resiliency and leadership skills.
The curriculum is taught weekly through one-hour group sessions, but is not limited to the classroom approach. Sessions may also include sleepovers, field trips and guest speakers that help empower the young ladies and expose them to a variety of opportunities to advance their knowledge and expand their horizons.
FLY Life Conference:
Our annual Fly Life Girls’ Conference creates an environment that uplifts and inspires through workshops, performances and guest speakers. With an average of 400 young ladies in attendance, our goal is to empower high school aged youth to be fly inside and out.
Toy Drive:
Organized each year by the young women involved with FLY Life Inc., our toy drive provides Christmas gifts for children whose families could not otherwise afford them. These events are sponsored by major brands like Microsoft and Chick-fil-A and feature powerful speakers such as the chaplain of the WNBA's Atlanta Dream.